It’s been a lot of mixed emotions hearing of his passing today. My earliest memories of the guy was him screaming at my father. My dad and uncles had given him the moniker of “Crazy Horse” As far as what he was screaming at my father about, who knows? I was maybe 6 or 7,… Continue reading R.I.P. Vincent Cortese
Author: Robert Cortese
Broken body, a lesson in perception.
2010 to 2013 was a time marked by lots of changes to my body. I was no longer going to age, I was going to fight it with every fiber of my being. I started to walk around the block, and that turned into walking a few miles, which turned into walking with a little… Continue reading Broken body, a lesson in perception.
Chapter II. 60hz. “Mr. Cortese it’s time for our talk!” A voice rang out from a slot in the metal door. Through the slot I could see a mouth, filled with crooked dirty teeth. It was the headshrink, back for another round of giving me a dose of reality. Psychiatry is a funny thing. Despite… Continue reading THE DARK LORD VICTORIUS JANGUS | Chapter II. 60hz.
Chapter 1. Re-awakening. I have done a lot of evil things in my life. Things so evil that no amount of piety will ever atone for my sins. Yet I have come to terms with it. I sleep soundly at night, I no longer hear the screams, or wake up screaming myself. Paralyzed with fear,… Continue reading THE DARK LORD VICTORIUS JANGUS Chapter 1. Re-awakening.
13 year olds, climbing mountains…
My son wasn’t always athletically gifted, but he owes a lot to his grandfather. A man that’s not even his blood, spent years teaching him how to play football and how to keep going when your body tells you no. Today he climbed the Santa Cruz Mountains via highway 9. He’s been practicing climbing at… Continue reading 13 year olds, climbing mountains…
Juan Estrada, Part II
Pleasant Hills Golf Course So a while back I wrote about Juan Estrada someone I tagged using the term “Political Groupie” You can go back and read that link for a better description. Long story short though, Cindy Chavez supporters were crying Reid Hillview was “Institutional Racism” and only “Rich white guys” fly planes. Juan… Continue reading Juan Estrada, Part II
How a 15lb Corgi broke my hand.
Since 1998 or so I’ve wanted a Pembroke Welsch Corgi. I blame Cowboy Bebop. So in early 2021 I decided to finally fulfill my 20+ year unhealthy obsession. I didn’t just want any old Corgi, I wanted one with a tail, as all Corgi’s have thier tales removed at birth. It made me think back… Continue reading How a 15lb Corgi broke my hand.
Gaige Grosskreutz Disco Inferno
This is the funniest shit I’ve seen out of this.
Let’s go Brandon
So it all started with a video The reporter covering the story kept getting drowned out by fans screaming, “FUCK JOE BIDEN!” It’s NASCAR, of course they’re going to scream that. Well the reporter obviously frustrated decided to pivot and tell Brandon they were screaming, “Let’s go Brandon” instead of “Fuck Joe Biden” You can… Continue reading Let’s go Brandon
How to travel back in time Part II
So in my last post I described how time travel could be possible within the realm of our physics. When I say within the realm of possibility I mean: We think wormholes exists We know there are particles that can travel faster than light. So given that it is pretty likely we can travel FTL… Continue reading How to travel back in time Part II