Let’s go Brandon

So it all started with a video The reporter covering the story kept getting drowned out by fans screaming, “FUCK JOE BIDEN!” It’s NASCAR, of course they’re going to scream that. Well the reporter obviously frustrated decided to pivot and tell Brandon they were screaming, “Let’s go Brandon” instead of “Fuck Joe Biden” You can… Continue reading Let’s go Brandon

Happy Columbus day, the truth about a jerk vs a bigger jerk.

Columbus wasn’t a nice guy. Downright dickhead. It’s also true that he enslaved a lot of locals BUT The context that is never explained is the natives were complete dicks too. Not just to Columbus, but to their own people as well. I’m going to give you a link, a few quotes, then some questions.… Continue reading Happy Columbus day, the truth about a jerk vs a bigger jerk.

Saving for Juan Estrada later.

So there’s nothing, absolutely nothing that pisses me off more about politics than people (mostly leftist Democrats) using tactics like doing something bad under the banner of virtue. Tonight I had a run-in with a guy named Juan Estrade, who’s been on my radar for the last couple of years. I’d toss him in the… Continue reading Saving for Juan Estrada later.

How to travel back in time

So one of my major issues with time travel movies is they don’t science well. The Time Machine with it’s steampunk chair and wheel of fortune for instance, or even back to the future with the DeLorean. The problem with time travel as depicted in movies is there’s no basis in Einstein’s relativity. If I… Continue reading How to travel back in time

Pfizer shot, made from the skulls of 1000 unbaptized babies.

So today I was talking to someone close to me about COVID, vaccines (should be called mRNA therepy, but that’s another discussion) when they pivoted to say Trump’s treatments were made with fetal stem cells. Personally, I don’t have an issue with fetal stem cells depending on how they were harvested. Placenta and umbilical cord… Continue reading Pfizer shot, made from the skulls of 1000 unbaptized babies.

Categorized as Politics

Facebook is down.

Apparently facebook is down due to a DNS error. All I gotta say is GOOD. Every dollar Zuck loses is actually good karma.