Pleasant Hills Golf Course So a while back I wrote about Juan Estrada someone I tagged using the term “Political Groupie” You can go back and read that link for a better description. Long story short though, Cindy Chavez supporters were crying Reid Hillview was “Institutional Racism” and only “Rich white guys” fly planes. Juan… Continue reading Juan Estrada, Part II
Category: Better to be pissed off than pissed on
Just general bitching about things.
Facebook is back, but so is the page of DJT
Welcome back Donald.
The facebook fuckery gets more fucked….
It’s funny, I actually have several friends that worked at Facebook. A long time ago I used to run a video stream out of the karaoke bar I worked at (2004ish) on Winamps video platform. An acquaintance I had (Chris Putnam) ran GSBTV, an offshoot of the somethingawful forums called Goon Squad Broadcasting something? He… Continue reading The facebook fuckery gets more fucked….
Facebook is down.
Apparently facebook is down due to a DNS error. All I gotta say is GOOD. Every dollar Zuck loses is actually good karma.
The tweet I shared that got me a 30 day ban from Facebook
So 30 days ago I shared a tweet on Facebook that got me banned, let’s see if I get myself banned again for posting it here, then sharing this post. I really DGAF. I have my platform, I have my content on facebook backed up, serious Zuck you can fuck off. I thought this video… Continue reading The tweet I shared that got me a 30 day ban from Facebook
Buy a man eat fish, the day, teach man, to a life time
It’s no secret to my friends I’m really unhappy about our current president. I feel like he’s a demented sock puppet who’s cronies helped steal an election. It’s shameful what’s happened to this country. What’s even more shameful though is how tech companies (looking at you facebook/twitter) have used their platforms to manipulate the public… Continue reading Buy a man eat fish, the day, teach man, to a life time
#Walkaway Facebook
So with facebook being facebook I decided it was time to move on. I don’t particularly like a 30 day ban for posting a link to a video showing Antifa causing fights in nearby Modesto. I’ve seen plenty of these videos posted, but the bans only happen when Antifa is getting their asses handed to… Continue reading #Walkaway Facebook