So after doing some DNS editing last night and paying for some go-daddy I delved into the css on the theme to get it EXACTLY how I wanted it.
Some folks might wonder about these colors. They’re a throwback to my early days in computers when screens were black with green text. There’s actually a scientific reason monitors were made this way. Humans have more green receptors in the eyes than red or blue. We have an easier time seeing contrast between green and black. Most likely it’s due to our omnivorous lifestyle. Back when we first stood up, wanding the plains of the Serengeti we weren’t looking for spaghetti. We were looking for areas that were green and lush, likely with an abundance of food and water.
I find green on black to be very comfortable for my eyes.
Once I had the colors how I wanted, I went to bed. I was tired. No, actually, I stayed up and played Amazons new MMO New World for a bit. Having played MMO’s since their inception, I’m really enjoying this one. There’s nothing new about it other than it’s a one time $40 instead of $15 a month.
This morning I woke up around 10am. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sleep like that, it was fabulous.
Getting back to work on the site this morning I started getting the SSL in order. Let’s Crypt on GoDaddy isn’t supposed to work without some SSH shell magic. This article details how to do it, but it only halfway worked.
After you get the installed, you have to go to the website. Register an account. Create the certificate manually on the site. Under ~/ folder if you’ve followed the instructions and got stuck where I was, you’ll find a subfolder for your site (in this case /
move the to sitename.key.old
Do the same for the .cer
touch sitename.key
touch sitename.cer
from the ZeroSSL website, if you created and verified a new certificate, you’ll be able to download it. You should find 3 files, a ca_bundle which can be ignored, a certificate.crt which you will need, and a private.key. Paste the contents of the private.key into your sitename.key. Do the same for the .cer. After that you can run: –deploy -d -d –deploy-hook cpanel_uapi
and Godaddy will install the certificate on the site. Magic.
Along with SSL I also installed the one social plugin, so friends that may wander over here can just log in with their social media if they want to comment which while ironic, it should help cut down on the spam.
I started migrating all my photos and videos a month ago to some archives at home, and I’ll soon have them back up here somewhere. In the meantime though it’s still pretty fun getting back to creating a website like back in the old days. Maybe I’ll get some friends together to create a webring like back in the old days. Fuck social media, fairly done with it at this point.